What's better than sharing your new TSC apartment with your furry friend? The answer to your questions is yes, as long as you do your research and find pet-friendly apartments in Tallahassee that allow the type of pet that you have. You will want to check with the rental office before making any final decisions or signing any paperwork.
When you speak with the office in apartments near Tallahassee State College, you need to ask the property manager what their pet policies are. Depending on the community, they may limit the number of pets you are allowed to have. If that is the case, I apologize in advance but unfortunately you won't be able to bring your family of four wagging tails with you. Some communities may not have a limit though, so if you're in this boat then be sure to check these places out.
TSC apartments may also put a restriction on the types of pets you are allowed to have while living in their community. Some communities may allow you to bring as many cats as you want, but no dogs are allowed. If dogs are allowed, the community may restrict certain breeds of canines. You will want to double check with the office before signing any paperwork, especially if you have a breed of dog that may be considered for a restricted category. Believe it or not, some communities may even restrict large fish tanks on higher level floors. This is a safety and precautionary issue; there have been times when fish tanks have cracked and then created a flood in both the apartment it lived in as well as all of the neighbors below!
If the apartments near TSC you choose to reside in allow dogs, your next step is to decide on what type of unit is best for you and your furry friend. If you have a dog, you may want to consider a ground floor apartment. This is because Fido will need to go out and use the restroom quite frequently, as well as needing exercise. Being on the ground level means you will not have to drag him or her down the stairs on their leash several times a day. However, if you have a small dog or a cat, then the floor level of the apartment you choose will not matter as much.
Many TSC apartments are within close proximity to dog parks and grassy areas. You may want to search for a community that is convenient for you to get to after work or on the weekends. These locations will allow your best friend to run and play with all of the dogs in the neighborhood. Keeping your pet in good, healthy shape is going to be a very important factor for you to take into consideration.
Are you currently searching for your next furry friend? If you believe that finding a pet to live with you in apartments near TSC is the right choice for you, I would suggest checking out the Leon County Humane Society. Adopting a pet can be one of the most rewarding and joyful things in your lifetime, and giving these adorable creatures a safe, loving home is what it is all about.
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