I recently started my semester at Tallahassee State College. How can I make new friends near my TSC apartment?

College friends. You text each other about homework, work on group projects, and even sit next to each other as if seats were assigned. They are your best friend for the next twelve weeks. However, once the semester is over, it is as if the clock strikes twelve, and that classroom friend is sized down to an acquaintance you wave at while you walk around TSC's campus. This is a reality we all face whenever a new semester starts. 

Establishing friendships and maintaining them can be hard in college as schedules conflict. Yet, there are ways to meet new people other than in your classes and keep those friendships blossoming. Here are some tips on how to broaden your friendships during your spring semester. 

Things to do on campus:  

To make friends at TSC, you're going to have to like being on campus. Living in an apartment near Tallahassee State College helps! You can more easily study at the library on campus and grab some lunch with a classmate. Talking to your classmates and establishing connections is essential, so don't be hesitant to give them your number. Try to linger after class and look around the cork boards in the hallways. There are plenty of activities to go to on a college campus, and a new friend might just be waiting for you there.  

Tallahassee is full of college students, thanks to FSU, FAMU, and TSC, which means it is the perfect environment to join clubs and organizations. On-campus organizations often have a big group of people. Be sure to check the Student Life page on TSC's website linked here. By connecting and socializing with people who have the same interests, there is no chance you won't leave without a good group of friends, and better yet, you won't be stuck in your Tallahassee apartment binge-watching Netflix. The chances are that some of your new friends might have the same major or classes as you, making your experience at Tallahassee State College better.  

If all else fails, join a Facebook page for your graduating class or major. There are plenty of others who might need you for a study group, project, or even to just chat.  

Things to do off-campus: 

The perks of living off-campus in an apartment near TSC are that you can invite people over. Whether it be a study group, game night, or a party, inviting your people you know over will undoubtedly give you a chance to build on your friendships.  

Many Tallahassee student apartments have clubhouses, pools, and study rooms that you can abuse and use. Invite your new friends over to sit by the pool and tan, workout in the gym, or just chill at the clubhouse. Most importantly, go to restaurants, movie theaters, or even head down to the Tally strip with these people and create memories.  

Making friends on-campus is not the hard part; the hard part is maintaining those friendships outside of school. 

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