There are so many benefits of owning a pet including companionship and what could be better as you settle into your new FSU apartment. Owning a pet is a big responsibility but in our opinion one of the most rewarding things you can do. Tallahassee offers many routes to find your perfect pet and we hope you find this article is helpful in your search.
Whether you are looking for a dog, cat, or another type of pet the first step when you are thinking about pet ownership is making sure that you select a pet-friendly apartment in Tallahassee. If you are thinking about a dog you may select an apartment with a dog walk area, dog park, or extra natural space that you and your dog can enjoy together. You may want to look for an apartment near a park or a bigger walking trail. You will want to think about space in your apartment and what size of animal would fit comfortably. If you have roommates make sure they are on board with sharing the space with an animal. Some apartments may also have restrictions on the size of animals or even breed restrictions. Research all these things carefully and when you have narrowed down your ideas on what type of animal you are looking for it is time to look for a new pet to adopt.
The local humane society at 413 Timberlane Road has adoptable dogs, cats, and also small, furry animals. They are open Monday thru Thursday and closed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The humane society offers spay and neuter assistance along with other resources for pet owners.
The Tallahassee Animal Shelter located at 1125 Easterwood Drive is open every day by appointment only. Their selection includes adoptable puppies, dogs, kittens, cats, and exotic pets. They offer veterinary services and also educational programs for new pet owners.
Tallahassee has two Petsmart locations, 1759 Apalachee Pkwy closest to your FSU apartment and 3220 Capital Circle NE north of Florida State University's campus. Many Petsmart locations offer adoption days and events but due to covid-19, these events may be canceled. You can browse the Petsmart Charities adoptable pets online.If you adopt a dog Petsmart offers many training class options online or in person.
Your search may also expand outside of Tallahassee through online searches and websites including adoptapet.comor Both websites offer a great search function by location, age of animal, breed, and other specifics. Most shelters and rescues also list their adoptable pets on these sites along with individual owners so it is a good way to see all the available options.
If you are interested in a dog and have a certain breed in mind many breeds have a rescue organization. These organizations are very knowledgeable in that breed and have networks all over the country along with training help and extra resources.
We hope this list helps you in your search to find the perfect pet for your Tallahassee apartment. Pets come with added responsibility, extra cost, and time away from your studies at FSU to care for it but the reward of owning a pet most would agree outweigh all of that. Tallahassee is a very pet-friendly town with many options to adopt a pet. And if you are looking for a dog there are many parks, trails, and outside spaces around town to explore with your dog outside of your Florida State University apartment.