With over 183,000 residents living in Tallahassee, over 20% of its population is made up of students attending TSC, FAMU or FSU. Although an abstemious 20% does not seem overpowering at first glance, a native Tallahassian will speak quite differently.
Tallahassee is known for its collegiate environment, catering to nearly all student needs. No matter where you travel to in the Capitol City, whether it be downtown or North of Thomasville, you will sure to spot students meandering throughout town. However, most students attending the colleges in the area, tend to live in Southwest Tallahassee.
Southwest Tallahassee is the most convenient and easiest place to find TSC apartments near student hangouts and entertainment. Besides the fact that most fraternities, sororities and indoor festivities happen in this neighborhood, there are also many restaurants, clubs and bars surrounding these TSC apartments.
Some of the liveliest of locations in this city are located in the Southwest “student” district. Bordering the campus of Tallahassee State College and Florida State University are some of the most popular bars such as Pot Belly's, AJ's sports bar and Floyd's. These hang out's can be within walking distance from TSC apartments and are usually busy regardless of whether it is a week day or weekend.
Midtown has become an increasingly popular location for weekend affairs. Midtown has been deemed the new “strip” and has replaced older pub and dive bars with nicer breweries such as the midtown filling station. This area also hosts a number of nicer restaurants, shops and boutiques. Midtown also welcomes football season for the Seminoles by celebrating the “Midtown Get Down” festival. However, Midtown is more accommodating to an older undergraduate, as most bars require a 21 and up crowd.
TSC apartments are also not too far from downtown Tallahassee. Although this fast paced and more modern atmosphere is targeted to young business professionals and graduate students, some undergraduate students venture down to its luxury restaurants and roof top lounges.
In general, most students who attend TSC hang out near the student housing and apartment area. Midtown has become a popular hangout location for those 21 and up and downtown is a rare but luxury atmosphere that students sometimes enjoy. If you are looking to find an every day hangout, try stopping by AJs sports bar, Pot Belly's or the Palace (on game days). Sticking around campus will definitely be helpful when looking for a student hang out area.