Do you need to live in FAMU apartments within walking distance of most activities? Many students newly attend a prominent University without a vehicle in tow. Although this idea may seem impossible at first glance, many residents in the area opt to own transportation of their own.
The city of Tallahassee is a smaller town known for its Southern Charm and studious environment. As a result of its large student body population, one may safely assume that this district has built in a fair amount of accommodations to suit the needs of its residents.
Moving to a new region without a car can definitely present some challenges. One may easily feel limited and confined to their immediate surroundings when forced to travel by foot. FAMU apartments, however, provide many benefits when it comes to living close to campus.
There are nearly 12,000 students enrolled at the Florida Agriculture and mechanical University. Being conveniently centered in the heart of Southwest Tallahassee allows its residents to assume in many entertaining activities. Just near FAMU apartments are plenty of bars, fast food restaurants, chain stores, shopping and dinning. Most of these places are within walking distance from your home and can comfort your worries of being forced to stay in your home.
Additionally, most of those who do not own a car prefer to be right next to the academic institution. This creates a fun social and learning atmosphere, as most of your classmates will be residing in the same close areas. Moreover, if walking is not for you, there are many trails where one can take out their bikes and ride over to class or to the favorite restaurant. This is especially preferable for those who hate driving around campus looking for a parking spot.
Living further from your class may be a little more challenging. Although there are several communities that are located just near bus stops, many find that they prefer their own schedules when commuting to and from class as opposed to the bus schedule. The public bus routes will take you throughout town, stopping at the local districts. The StarMetro does offer free transportation for those with a student ID and will take you to and from school. The bus also comes equipped with a bike rack. This allows those who live further from FAMU to enjoy living outside of the student housing district.
One can easily survive Tallahassee without having to own their own car. There are many entertainment entities within walking distance of apartment communities. These outlets include shopping, dinning and local happy hour spots. Not owning a car will present a challenge if you have your hopes affixed on living further from the University. However, the town's public transportation bus, the StarMetro, does offer free rides for students and can take its passengers throughout town. Although you can get to opposite sides of the city, many disfavor the bus's nightly schedule and prefer to travel with a friend or on their own.