The Tallahassee area is flooded with a variety apartments that are all engulfed with students alike. The easiest way to find what you are looking for is to first figure out what it is that you consider luxury? Does this mean having a lot of amenities? Spacious rooms? A private parking area? Tallahassee has been a target of growth of the last few years and is continuously building new student-friendly, luxury apartments. Downtown, the NorthEast area, and apartments on Tennessee Street have all seen the benefits of these new living areas. If you are looking for something newer in comparison to other average student homes, these would be the places to start your search! West 10 Apartments on Tennessee is a newer and more upscale student community that includes features such as indoor basketball courts, fitness centers, a green community and public transportation. Not only is this catered to students but it is less than a mile away from TSC! However, if you are looking for something more modern, you may want to head closer to downtown. Although, this area may be a further drive from school and more expensive than living areas closer to campus.
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