FSU apartments offer a wide array of leases so it's important to make sure that you're knowledgeable on all different kinds of leases before you sign any type of agreement. If you sign any type of agreement before you're fully aware of your options you may end up stuck in a lease you don't like. If you're stuck in a lease you don't like you're really only left with two options; tough it out, or break your lease and likely end up paying some hefty fines for breaking it. Since FSU apartments differ so much in what they have to offer you're sure to find something that suits your needs.
One of the most popular lease types available throughout FSU apartments is the individual lease. Since FSU apartments mainly cater to college students you'll find numerous FSU apartments that offer the individual lease since it's the most popular lease type among college students. With an individual lease you'll sign an agreement to remain tenancy in your FSU apartment for a set period of time. While that part of the lease is similar to other lease types it differs greatly in other ways. With an individual lease your monthly rent covers your bedroom, private bathroom, and your share of the living areas. Your share of the living areas usually includes a kitchen, living room, dining room, and balcony or patio. With an individual lease you're only responsible for yourself and should your roommates decide not to pay their rent you won't be affected in any negative way. It's perfect for those who don't know their roommates to well, or are unsure of their roommates financial situation because you only ever have to worry about yourself.
Another common lease type available throughout FSU apartments is the fixed-term lease. With a fixed-term lease you'll agree to remain tenancy in your FSU apartment for a set period of time, while paying a predetermined amount of rent each month. Usually the period of time that you're agreeing to remain tenancy in your FSU apartment is from 1 to 2 years. With that being said there are certain FSU apartments that may offer a shorter period of time on a fixed-term lease. Fixed-term leases are great for those who are sure in their finances and are sure about their FSU apartment. Remember if you decide to break your lease you will most likely end up paying some hefty fees.
A lesser known lease available in apartments near FSU is the periodic lease. A periodic lease is also known as a month-to-month lease. With this lease you don't have to agree to stay in your FSU apartment for any significant amount of time. However you won't be guaranteed a set amount of rent each month. It can fluctuate however the landlord sees fit. A periodic lease is perfect for those who are unsure of their living arrangements and may leave at the drop of a dime. With a periodic lease you usually only have to give 15 to 30 days' notice before moving out of your FSU apartment.
FSU apartments offer a wide array of leases but once you've narrowed down what type of lease you're interested in finding a FSU apartment that suits your needs should be a breeze.
These are the opinions of writers and not the opinions of RentTally.com or any of our advertising partners.