Being a student normally means becoming adapted to a smaller living budget. Often times, the biggest obstacle when searching for apartments near FAMU is finding a living area that remains in your budget. Although this idea may seem frustrating and derail you from your search, our site specifically designed search tools to make your search as easy as possible! Considering that budget it your main concern, begin your search by selecting your expected range you would like to spend per month on your new home. At the top of our search page, you will see a number line titled “Rent per Month.” You can drag the bars out wider or smaller to select your monthly budget. Once you have done this, a list of possible living spaces will appear on the page that are within the scope of your search! You can then click on each apartment logo to view further details regarding that property. This is the best way to view competing prices of each community and what each area has to offer you. Once you have determined what you can expect in each area for the amount of money you plan to spend, you can narrow down your search to include what amenities you prefer, the specific location, and even lease terms!
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