How is the traffic in Tallahassee?

It is no secret that on a day where the Seminoles play, that there will be traffic. Tallahassee’s main roads of Tennessee and Monroe Street tend to me the most congested roads on game day. While these roads may seem like the surest route, they contain the most stoplights and tend to be the less convenient choice. A better choice may be to take Interstate-10. This main highway will help you get across town without hitting all of the lights. On days where the stadium remains closed, Tallahassee remains relatively steady and traffic is not very problematic. However, be sure to take caution while driving down the historic city’s roads. As a result of being considered an older town, Tallahassee’s roads tend to be more narrow and intimidating. You can use our neighborhood guide to determine where you would like your apartment in Tallahassee to be located. Using our map will help you distinguish what areas you find charming and which congested roads you would like to avoid. Just click on neighborhood guide and a local map of the city will pop up. You can use our sub-links on the left hand side of the page to search what areas of Tallahassee are suited to your interests.

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