I am turning 21 this weekend and want to make sure it's memorable. What are the best clubs or bars near my Tallahassee apartment?

Tallahassee may be the capital of Florida, but with a large college student population, it also serves as the capital of partying. Turning 21 is a milestone and indicates the age of a full-fledged adult; drinking is just the perk that comes with it. With a hectic night planned, it is essential to stay close to your Tallahassee apartment, so your wallet won't suffer from the necessary uber rides home. Here are 3 of the best nightclubs and bars to have on your hitlist the night of your 21st birthday.  

Bullwinkle's Saloon  

Located on Tennessee Street, across from FSU's campus, is an eye-catching western-themed nightclub. The nostalgic, brightly lit sign that hangs over the wooden entrance is sure to remind you that you live in Florida. Bullwinkle's Saloon, otherwise known as Bull's, is known for its low-priced drink specials. On different days of the week, according to its website, it offers game nights, free food, and even free top-shelf drinks. Bull's has a multi-level wooden design, bizarrely contrasted with an outdoor tiki bar. This bar will beat having to mix your cocktails in your apartment. 

Level 8 Lounge  

Now, if you want your 21st birthday to be as luxurious as you dreamed of, then the Level 8 Lounge will undoubtedly fulfill that. Level 8 Lounge has a rooftop lounge that overlooks the city of Tallahassee under the stars. Located in downtown Tallahassee, Level 8 Lounge is ideal for happy hour drinks on the day of your 21st birthday. It offers free champagne on Wednesday nights for ladies after 10 pm as well as offers Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 4-7 pm. During the happy hour, it even offers complimentary valet parking, so you won't have to worry about leaving your car in your Tallahassee apartment.  

Clyde's and Costello's 

It couldn't be a must-go-to list of bars without the legendary Clyde's and Costello's bar. It has been operating for decades, serving almost like a rite of passage for college students. Although the outside may seem grim due to its dull brick appearance, Costello's is excellent for tying in drinks with partying. It's also near the Tally Strip, which complies with a variety of clubs and bars in case planning a bar crawl is in your plan. Located near West Gaines Street, Costello's will provide the perfect bar/nightclub scene for a 21st birthday party.  

21st birthdays only come once in a lifetime, so it is essential to celebrate it correctly and not coop yourself up in your 1-bedroom apartment. Gather some friends and be sure to go to the best club scenes in Tallahassee. Additionally, Visit Tallahassee has a list of different nightclubs and bars on its website under the nightlife section, linked here.  

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