The Weather is perfect. How far do I have to travel to get to a beach or lake?

Living in Florida, you have the luxury of nearly perfect weather all year round! Even during the state’s coldest months, the temperature is still enjoyable to many. Although the beach may be somewhat of a drive to Tallahassee, there are lakes near FAMU apartments. Lake Jackson is in close proximity to the FAMU campus, located in Leon County. Just off of Interstate 10, the lake is easily accessible. However, this body of water has experiences a shortage of water flow, which has slightly decreased the water in the lake, making it controversial to shallow waters. Lake Talquin State Park is a more popular lake to the Tallahassee students. This Park offers handfuls of outdoor activities for all ages. You can certainly enjoy the lake water here and take up swimming, kayaking or canoeing. If you are set on visiting a beach in the area, you may need to travel to the Panhandle or Destin area. This could be a few hours drive but is well worth the commute. Destin has some of the State’s most beautiful beaches. In addition, Jim Carey’s ‘The Truman Show’ was filmed in this community’s perfect beach town. The Pan Handle is a very popular spring break location and tends to be a party zone for many collegiate students in the area.

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