Living near the capitol building in Tallahassee can become quite advantageous for those who are looking for upscale living, a fast-paced environment, and for those who want to separate themselves from student living. The capitol building is located in downtown Tallahassee where the history and the culture of the state’s national building breathe throughout its historic brick buildings and canopied trees. If you are seeking to become the next young professional, this is the perfect area for you! Tallahassee apartments near the capitol may be more expensive in comparison to other areas of the city. This area is primarily of higher-income living. However, this modern twist of classic architecture and neo living makes a desirable home. If you are looking to stay within walking distance of downtown, check out communities near East Call Street and Franklin Blvd. East Call Street runs parallel to College Avenue, but is still far enough away from the collegiate areas of the town. Tennessee St may have more of a variety of homes for you to choose from. However, this area tends to be more congested with traffic and will be a very short drive away from the Capitol area.
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